
8 Week Satiated Life Coaching
Over the 8 weeks you will practice various meditation techniques that will help you visualize where you want to be and how you will get there. You will set yourself doable goals which will become your Satiated Life Roadmap to get you to your Ideal Satiated Self.
(bi weekly 30 minute sessions)

8 week Mindful Eating Classes
Find freedom from diets and meet your wellness goals eating what you want, when you are hungry. Each week a new Mindfulness Meditation will be practiced. You will become more connected to your satiety levels. It will help you improve your intuition and confidence around food.
(bi weekly 30 minute sessions)

8 week Personalized Combo package
This can be custom designed to your exact needs by mixing and matching any of the classes above.
(bi weekly 30 minute sessions)

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